Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a difference 20 degrees makes!

Last week was the official beginning of the 20-week Olympic triathlon training period, which I thought would motivate me to kick it into high gear. It did not, although I did work out a bit more than I had been. This week, however, the weather has been nicer and I'm really feeling the motivation. Plus, it's been staying lighter longer so that if I hurry it's not dark when I step out the door at night to go running and that helps a lot. It's still early, but I'm starting to feel very excited about my training!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm starting to panic about my knee. I met up with the running group this morning to start off the new year (it was 19 degrees with a strong wind, especially as we ran along the Delaware River) and about two miles in the pain kicked in even though it was so cold I could barely feel the rest of my body. I'm worried about how long it will take to properly heal because of course I have races in the future, although none in the immediate future, but also because I was starting to use running as a way of meeting people in the neighborhood and it's really starting to bother me that I can't. I'm thinking of seeing a specialist, even though I know what's wrong and I know there's not much that can be done.

Otherwise things are good -- the holidays got in the way of training a bit (I made a to-do list for when my mom was visiting and somehow we managed to do every single thing on it -- including seeing four movies -- but the one thing that did not get crossed off was going to the gym). I did buy a wetsuit, which is a little intimidating, especially since I bought a really good wetsuit since it was 33% off and nearly as cheap as a mid-range one. But people who do triathlons will know this model of wetsuit and think I must be pretty serious if I'm wearing one so I fear it will be even more embarrassing if they have to pull me out of the water :) I also bought a tri-top to go with my really, really frighteningly tight pair of tri-shorts, and a swim cap so that I don't keep breathing in my hair, so I'm officially done investing in this new venture of mine. Good timing since I had given myself until the new year to figure out my finances with the new job. And hey, if my knee doesn't heal, the bright side will be that I won't have to shell out the $100 for the marathon in November I was planning to do.